St Peter’s College uniform shop is operated and managed by Uniform Group.
See below for the uniform shop hours.
The Second Hand Uniform Shop is operated and managed by the St Peter’s College PTFA.
Students must demonstrate high standards of personal presentation by wearing their uniform correctly and with pride in the school.
Additional Holiday Hours:
During term time the uniform shop is open
Monday 1.00pm - 3.30pm and Wednesday 2.30pm - 4.30pm.
- Closed on Public Holidays and Teacher Only Days. Hours subject to change.
+ Where is the Uniform Shop?
The Uniform Shop is located at St Peter's College, behind the gym.
+ Where is the Second Hand Uniform Shop?
The Second Hand Uniform Shop is located in the outdoor corridor opposite the gym.
+ What are the Second Hand Uniform Shop Hours?
- Thursday , 8.00pm - 8.45am
Follow the PTFA Facebook page to check or email the PTFA to find out more.
+ How do I donate my uniform to the PTFA?
You can drop off any unwanted school uniform items to the St Peter’s College school office, or to the Second Hand Uniform Shop during opening hours. Thank you!
+ Uniform
Regulation refers to an item of branded or St Peter’s-specific clothing only available from the Uniform Group Shop or PTFA Second Hand Uniform Shop (onsite at SPC). Pricing and further information can be found on the Uniform Group website or by visiting the Second Hand Uniform Shop
+ Boys (Yr 7-13)
- Regulation navy shorts or trousers
- Regulation white shirt
- Regulation green jersey
- Regulation navy softshell jacket
- Plain black sandals with heel straps (no socks) during summer or black shoes with regulation socks. When wearing trousers, footwear must be shoes and socks.
+ Girls (Yr 7-13)
- Regulation skirt (black watch tartan) compulsory
- Regulation green jersey
- Regulation white shirt
- Regulation navy softshell jacket
- Plain black sandals with heel straps (no socks) or black shoes with plain white ankle socks during summer, black tights terms 2 & 3, no long black socks allowed. When wearing trousers, footwear must be shoes and socks.
+ Boys & Girls PE Uniform (Yr 7-10)
Regulation PE shirt Regulation PE shorts
+ Optional Items
Regulation skort (navy), regulation trousers (navy).
+ All Senior Students (Yr 11-13)
During terms 2 & 3 the regulation school tie is compulsory, footwear will be shoes & socks for male students, shoes & black tights for female students. It is an option to wear the blazer or softshell jacket to school daily. Formal uniform for senior students includes the blazer, white shirt, tie, long pants for boys and tartan skirt for girls. When the blazer is worn, the shirt must be tucked in.
+ Hat
St Peter's College branded hats, or a plain dark green, navy or black sun hat may be worn. A plain dark green, navy or black beanie may be worn in winter. No other branded hats are to be worn with the uniform at any time. Hats are not to be worn in class.
+ What uniform do I wear?
All senior students must have a regulation school blazer to wear throughtout the year. During terms 2 & 3 students are to wear their formal uniform. The school tie is compulsory for senior students, footwear will be black shoes & black socks for male students, black shoes & black tights for female students.
+ How do I wear my uniform?
Students must demonstrate high standards of personal presentation by wearing their uniform correctly and with pride in the school. Students should also keep their uniform clean, tidy and well maintained.
+ Skirts/skorts
School skirts/skorts should not be modified or shortened and the integrity of the skirt design should be maintained. Please note: the Deputy/Assistant Principal reserves the right to check skirts/skorts. If any student is wearing an extremely short skirt/skort well above the acceptable length they will be expected to purchase a replacement skirt/skort immediately.
+ What do I wear for PE and sports?
PE uniform is compulsory for Year 7-10 students and is available from the uniform shop.
+ Sports uniform
The majority of sports teams will be supplied with uniforms from the sports department. These must be returned in a clean condition after the sports event, if not parents will be invoiced for the replacement uniform.
+ Shoes
Shoes must be standard black polishable leather - lace up or buckled. Sandals must be black standard school type and must have a heel strap - they are to be worn without socks and should not have any type of lace or strap that ties up above the ankle.
+ Jewellery and/or other forms of personal adornment or decoration.
- Any jewellery or adornment that poses a health and safety risk to the student or others is not acceptable.
- A taonga or religious necklace is able to be worn.
- Jewellery such as (but not limited to) rings, bracelets, necklaces and studs must not be worn.
- Body piercing is not acceptable at this school.
- Small plain stud earrings and sleepers can be worn but limited to 1 piercing.
- No item or adornment that falls outside these guidelines should be worn to school unless approved by the Principal.
+ Personal grooming
Hair must be well groomed, tidy, and off the face. All long hair is to be tied back in the interests of health and safety. Ribbon or ties used to tie hair back must be black only. Hair should only be natural hair colours. Extreme hairstyles including dreadlocks and shaved heads are not acceptable.
All students are required to have a clean-shaven face.
Make-up (if worn) should be minimal. No nail polish is to be worn at any time. This includes no gel, acrylic, or sns nails.
Students are expected to wear their uniform in accordance with the regulations set down by the Board of Trustees.
Senior Formal Uniform
Junior Winter Uniform
Senior Summer Uniform
Students should wear their uniform with respect for themselves and pride in their school. This includes from the time they leave for school and until they arrive home. In all uniform matters, the Principal’s judgement is final. All items should be named.
Junior Boys Summer Uniform
Junior Boys Winter Uniform
Junior Girls Summer Uniform
Junior Girls Winter Uniform
Senior Girls Summer Uniform
Senior Girls Summer Uniform
Senior Girls Winter Uniform
Senior Girls Formal Uniform
Senior Boys Summer Uniform
Senior Boys Summer Uniform
Senior Boys Winter Uniform
Senior Boys Formal Uniform