St Peter’s College takes great care to ensure that your child is valued and treated with dignity and respect. This affects the way in which he or she responds and relates to others.
We get to know our students as individuals and ensure that they are supported at the College and are confident to ask for help if they have concerns.
The House System reinforces our desire to build positive community relationships. Every student new to Year 7 is introduced to a Peer Support Leader. These senior students arrange activities and social events with great enthusiasm.
Our C2S Programme helps us to make the care of our students and their achievement the main focus of group gatherings. As students progress through the year, Learning Coaches monitor academic progress and attendance.
Deans work with students, families and teachers on significant pastoral or behaviour issues. Where appropriate, they will involve one of the school counsellors, the Senior Leadership team, or outside agencies in order to support a student at St Peter’s College.
We have high standards and expectations for all our students. When students make mistakes, help is offered to show how these can be put right and avoided in the future. We have a school wide programme using Restorative Practices, and all staff have been trained in this process to help to restore key relationships when these have broken down. We have a carefully considered policy relating to behaviour, based on respect for oneself, others and our environment.