Welcome to St Peter's College, a 700-student co-ed High School based in Palmerston North, in the lower North Island, New Zealand.


Please contact us if you have any queries about the school, the international programme or the enrolment process.

Dan Parrott

Deputy Principal

Email: | Phone: +64 6 354 4198

We enrol approximately 30 international students each year, from a range of countries. This means joining in, speaking English and making Kiwi friends is easy here.

Situated on 5.8ha (14.5 acres) in a quiet Palmerston North suburb, facilities at St Peter’s College include a well-equipped Gym and weights room, extensive outdoor areas and Sports field, professional quality music recording studio, specially designed Drama and Art & Design spaces, Science labs, a school Chapel and many other wonderful resources. We do our very best to ensure St Peter’s College remains a modern and exciting learning environment.

At St Peter’s College we encourage our students to be thoughtful, respectful, knowledgeable, and to make the right decisions. As a Catholic school we hold strong values of community and caring. We invite all students to become a part of our unique environment.

St Peter's College provides:

  • Academic achievement above National averages;

  • A learning environment that challenges students of all levels;

  • Extensive leadership programmes;

  • A wide range of extra curricular activities;

  • Many sporting and Education Outside The Classroom opportunities;

  • A caring environment with a strong sense of family within the school.


Term Dates for 2025

30 January – Friday 11 April

28 April – 27 June

14 July – 19 September

06 October – 05 December


Our Team

Dan Parrott

Deputy Principal

My role is to look after the students’ academic success. I help them to prepare for, and complete, their NCEA assessments for the New Zealand Curriculum. This gives them the required qualifications for University entrance. I work alongside students to ensure they have the best possible learning experience at our College. This is part of our Connect To Succeed programme. Students can choose from a range of subjects depending on their year level.

Kate Fortune

International Dean

My role is to oversee international students' academic and social needs while they are at school.  I advise and support our students on academic matters such as course selection, and scheduling, and monitor their academic progress. Throughout the academic year, I manage international student services, which include social and cultural activities, and orientation, and provide ongoing support and guidance.

Deb Wallace.jpg

Debbie Wallace

International Homestay Manager

International students live in school-arranged Homestay. Joining a Homestay family is the best way to develop English ability and gain an understanding of New Zealand culture. Homestay families are carefully selected, pre-assessed and have to pass a security check. The student will have their own room, be provided with all meals, and have their living needs well looked after. The family will help with school transport and activities, and of course, homework. They will be friendly and inclusive, and will invite their students to join in their family and social life. Students are educated and cared for in a values-based community - a key part of our Catholic Character.



St Peter's College works with a number of Education Agents both locally and in a range of overseas locations. These Agents help families with the enrolment process, and continue to liaise between school and family for the entire time the student is attending the school.

  • If you would like to check that the Agent who is handling your enrolment is registered with St Peter's College, please contact us with their details.

  • If you are an Agent wishing to establish a relationship with St Peter's College for future enrolments, please email the International Department at

St Peter’s College International Prospectus

How to Enrol

In the Junior School (Years 7-10), Year 7 and 8 students are taught in Homerooms and follow a set Integrated Curriculum through to Year 9. In Year 10 they commence their preparation for Senior School and the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA), and have the opportunity to start some NCEA achievement at this level.

  • Year 7 - 9 students focus on core Reading, Writing and Mathematics skills in Foundation Studies classes, along with Science, Projects and one language.

  • Year 10 students choose two study options in addition to their core course subjects.

The Senior School (Years 11-13) focuses on the NCEA, and University Entrance.

  • Year 11 students choose 2 subjects in addition to their core course of English, Maths, Science and Religious Studies.

  • Year 12 students choose 4 subjects in addition to English and Religious Studies.

  • Year 13 students choose 5 subjects in addition to Religious Studies.

For more information on the NCEA please see NZQA website for more details.

To learn more about how our school works please see the Our School section of this website, including the following links:

Teaching and Learning

Connect To Succeed

NCEA Information

Arts & Culture



General Information

Refund, Fee Protection and Grievance Policies

Please check our enrolment form for all details

New Zealand is the only country in the world to have a compulsory Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students. St Peter's College is a signatory to the Code, which sets out the minimum standards you can expect when you come to a school in New Zealand.

The Code also outlines the process for complaints. Click the link for information about the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students.

If you have a complaint about care, advice, or services you have received, please follow the St Peter's College Complaints Procedure. If this does not solve the problem you can contact the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) for further advice or to launch a complaint.

Please contact the International Dept for information if you wish to enrol at our school