Pacific Education
The Action Plan for Pacific Education 2020–2030 has a vision that diverse Pacific learners and their families feel safe, valued and equipped to achieve their education aspirations.
The plan outlines the actions the Government has committed to achieving this vision and signals how early learning services, schools and tertiary providers can achieve change for Pacific learners and their families.
It identifies five key focus areas for change that are needed to achieve this vision:
work reciprocally with diverse Pacific communities to respond to unmet needs, with an initial focus on needs arising from the COVID-19 pandemic
confront systemic racism and discrimination in education
enable every teacher, leader and educational professional to take coordinated action to become culturally competent with diverse Pacific learners
partner with families to design education opportunities together with teachers, leaders and educational professionals so aspirations for learning and employment can be met
grow, retain and value highly competent teachers, leaders and educational professionals with diverse Pacific whakapapa.
St Peter’s College Pacific Education Goals are:
Accelerating Pasifika Achievement
Promotion of Cultural Experiences through Respect and Stewardship
Development of Student Servant Leadership
Individual Qualification and Career pathways
Increased Pacific community consultation and development of a Pacific voice