From Year 7-10 there are motivational and leadership opportunities at every level. The following awards and service opportunities are available:
Year 7 Literacy Awards
Awards for reading 5 books and 17 books
Year 8 Poutama Awards
Three awards which challenge students to meet self-determined academic, spiritual and service goals.
Year 9 Ambassadors
Year 9 students are invited to become part of the School Ambassador programme whereby, following training, they go at lunchtime each week to one of the local Catholic and state primary schools where they motivate and encourage students in their play and interactions.
Year 9 Whanake Awards
Three awards which challenge students to meet self-determined academic, spiritual and service goals.
Year 10 Junior Leaders Programme
Opportunities to be appointed to the positions of Junior Head Boy, Junior Head Girl, Junior House Leaders and House Teams.
Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award
Students usually begin their Duke of Edinburgh Hillary award in Year 10.
Other leadership and service opportunities are:
Junior School Service to the Community Awards
Available to all junior students
Junior Council
Made up of a representative from each junior class