One of the key strengths of our academic programme is that we are able to offer a seamless pathway for teaching and learning from Year 7 through to Year 13.
Junior School
In our Junior School, Years 7 to 10, we have strong literacy and numeracy programmes which aim to improve all students’ abilities in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. We track their progress very closely and provide this information to students and parents as part of our educational partnership model. From Years 7 – 9, students are taught in homerooms and follow an integrated curriculum, called Foundation Studies (FNS), which offers rich contexts for their education.
Foundation Studies (FNS)
The St Peter’s College Foundation Studies programme in Years 7, 8 and 9 combines Religious Studies with the three learning areas: English, Social Studies, and aspects of Physical Education and Health.
Our holistic approach enables the teaching of values, key competencies, developing students’ critical and creative thinking skills, growing metacognition (knowing and understanding your own thinking) and learning to learn skills. With a strong focus on literacy, Foundation Studies provides a platform for future learning, leading into specialised subject areas in Year 10 and beyond.
In Foundation Studies, teachers are aware of the needs of individual students, both pastorally and educationally, because they are responsible for a large portion of the student’s learning.
Junior Projects
In preparation for their natural progression into Y10 and the senior school FNS students also leave their foundation rooms for Projects to explore Option Subjects as well as Science, Mathematics and PE. This prepares them for a more integrated timetable as they advance into the full multi subject timetable of the Senior School.
2022 SPC Senior Head Girl and Boy Tupou Siu and Ian Wulf
Senior School
Our Senior School, Years 11 to 13, focuses on connecting students to their chosen career pathway, post secondary school. We assess against the National Certificate of Educational Achievement, guiding students through subject choices based on their interests, their skills, and their aspirations. Pathway connections include university studies, trades academies and gateway programmes which assist students to future career pathways through gaining work experience. St Peter’s offer Scholarship programmes for Year 13 which challenge and extend those students who wish to achieve at higher levels. There are also opportunities for our senior students to undertake University level courses during their final two years at the College.
Learning Support
Our Learning Support Department helps develop an educational pathway for students who need assistance with their learning, providing special wrap-around support in purpose-built, modern facilities. Wherever appropriate, students are placed in mainstream classes. As required students are brought into the learning centre for specialist teaching. A wide range of learning disabilities are catered for, and individual programmes of learning developed.
Learning needs are not the only focus for the centre, but it is also a place for students to come to for pastoral and wellbeing support.