Principal’s Welcome
St Peter’s College
Nau mai haere mai ki te Kāreti o Hato Pētera
Welcome to St Peter’s College
Here at St Peter’s College we focus on providing opportunities for our students to connect with God in an environment where love, compassion and service are highly valued.
The St Peter’s College prayer challenges our students every day to ‘live lives that matter, lives that change our world for the better’ and ‘eyes that see the needs of others and a heart that reaches out to fill those needs’. We believe our faith community provides all our students with a set of values to navigate the inevitable moral conflicts in their lives and challenge a world that does not always reflect our Christian beliefs.
We commit to a focus on academic goals, as well as sporting, cultural and the arts. Our College has a very forward thinking vision and philosophy that has created a unique and innovative educational environment. We develop the ability to think, work collaboratively, meet challenges and promote self-management skills.
We develop strong partnerships between students, family/whānau and the College. Our genuine partnerships are acknowledged as a key component in improving student achievement and engagement.
The needs of each and every individual are a priority for us so that they can reach their full potential. I welcome the opportunity to speak with you about our quality Catholic education.
Ngā manaakitanga
Margaret Leamy
Catholic Character is at the heart of St Peter’s College. It sets the standard by which all things are measured.
Special Character
At St Peter’s College we aim to create a worshipping community where a personal faith in Jesus Christ is reflected in all aspects of College life. This means that our values and beliefs influence everything that we do. From our Board representatives right down to the students, this shapes the manner in which we build relationships and partnerships with everyone within our College community. This challenges us to reach out to all people seeing the best in them as we are all “made in the image and likeness of God.” (Genesis 1:27)
Our onsite Chaplaincy Team is an integral part of our Catholic Character, linking our students with the wider Catholic community – local parishes, the Massey University Chaplaincy and the Diocesan Youth Ministry.
Students participate in the planning and leading of liturgies. Parents and caregivers are always welcome, and are encouraged to attend these where possible. The St Peter’s Feast Day Mass, followed by the dramatised Parables competition, is a particular highlight of the year.
Students and staff are always excited to be involved in the O’Shea Shield Competition, along with the other Catholic Colleges from the lower North Island and upper South Island. Religious Drama, Scripture Reading, Oratory and Debating have always been strong components of our team performance and it is a great weekend gathering of Catholic Youth.
Students engage with activities that promote social justice such as Keys to the Kingdom, support for the work of Caritas through activities such as Survive a Slum, various forms of prayer, liturgies, cultural activities, retreats - and our Seekers Programme which covers sacramental preparation. We want our students to have a relationship with Christ and a sense of belonging to the Catholic Church and not just a building. We want our students to have lives that make a positive difference to the communities and world in which they live.