Standing Tall, Promoting Excellence and Developing Understanding

Ubi Petrus Ibi Ecclesia

Where Peter is, there is the Church.


Our Vision

St Peter's College celebrates being a Catholic faith community, where students, teachers and families work in partnership to develop empowered, self managing, lifelong learners who live the Gospel values in a changing world.


Welcome to our St Peter’s College Community. We hope that this website will give you the insight that you need to make an informed decision about entering our College.

At St Peter’s College we promise to place the education and achievement of your child at the centre of everything we do. Our College Vision has created a unique educational environment that delivers on this promise. Through a range of initiatives, St Peter’s has developed a distinctiveness that places it at the forefront of 21st century education, not only in Palmerston North, but also in New Zealand.

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2025 Term dates


School Prayer

Dear God,

You call us to live lives that matter,
lives that change our world for the better.

Give us eyes that see the needs of others
and hearts that reach out to fill those needs.

Help us Lord, to recognise and appreciate
the strengths and weaknesses
Of those we live and work with.

May Your Spirit move through each of us
to strengthen and enrich
Our St Peter’s College faith community.



E Te Ariki,

Nāu mātau i karanga kia nōhia he
oranga whai hua,

He oranga whai hua ora mō te
ao katoa,

Tuia kia mātau ngā kamo mārama ki te
hiahia o te tangata,

ā, tākohangia kia mātau he manawa hai
whakaū I aua hiahia

E Pā, tiaho mai ki a mātau te
māramatanga mē te maioha

Ki ngā whirikoka mē ngā
ngoikoretanga o te hunga tata ki
a mātau,

Mā to wairua e whakakaha e hono te
iwi whakapono o Hato Petera




School App


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